Monday, April 12, 2010

Assignment 4

First Date

  1. I'm going out tonight.

  2. Dad! We're going out to eat, and then we're going to catch a movie

  3. What movie and what is it rated?

  4. It's a science fiction thriller called . . . well, I don't know what it is called, but it's rated PG.

A Fun Day

  1. Would you like to go down to the beach or through the park?

  2. And then maybe we can go out to eat tonight.

Dinner Time

  1. Oh, I'm starving.

  2. mom put me in charge of dinner because she's not feeling well tonight.

  3. Well, wait, wait, here let me try a piece first.

  4. Oh, well, well, that's just part of my own adaptation to the recipe. I added some pumpkin.

  5. You can't mess up on that, Dad.


I think this is a very good study platform, after I listen to a topic, there have some exercises to practice. If you want to read script, there has hyper link Quiz Script in side. This not only helped for my listening also helped for conversation skills. If there are some special phrase or word, also has the annotation in the bottommost to explain, it's very convenient. But the defect is the speed which runs is very slow.

1 comment:

Sally said...

I'm glad you found this website helpful to you.