Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Assignment2- Dictionaries

1. epicenter – noun
Meaning: a focal point, as of activity
Sentence: Many people were death near the epicenter.

2. mud – noun
Meaning: 1. wet, soft earth or earthy matter, as on the ground after rain, at the bottom of a pond, or along the banks of a river; mire.
2. Informal. scandalous or malicious assertions or information: The opposition threw a lot of mud at our candidate.
3. Slang. brewed coffee, esp. when strong or bitter.
4. a mixture of chemicals and other substances pumped into a drilling rig chiefly as a lubricant for the bit and shaft.

Sentence: The village is under the mud.

3. disrupt - verb
Meaning: to cause disorder or turmoil in
Sentence: The heavy storm has disrupted telephone service.

4. juncture - noun
Meaning: 1. a point of time, esp. one made critical or important by a concurrence of circumstances: At this juncture, we must decide whether to stay or to walk out.
2. a serious state of affairs; crisis: The matter has reached a juncture and a decision must be made.
3. the line or point at which two bodies are joined; joint or articulation; seam.
4. the act of joining.
5. the state of being joined.
6. something by which two things are joined.

Sentence: At this juncture the hero arrived.

5. tectonic - adjective
Meaning: 1. of or pertaining to building or construction; constructive; architectural.
2. Geology.
a. pertaining to the structure of the earth's crust.
b. referring to the forces or conditions within the earth that cause movements of the crust.
c. designating the results of such movements: tectonic valleys.

Sentence: This earthquake has caused the tectonic plates.