Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Assignment 10

Recognize "linking Consonant to Vowel" is very difficult for me. How can I do?Everyone give some advice,please.Thank you.

Hi, Jay and welcome to the board.We have a networker called Jay who often answers questions here, so you might be asked to change your nickname.As for your question - wow! - there's no answer to it. Any vowel can be linked to any consonant, so we need you to ask more specific questions.Rover

Just not thinking about it, just doing it in a natural way. But I don't know what's your native language is and if you do it differently.I found exercises on it very confusing and always skip them. When you are asked (said) to listen and read the recording script at the same time, where they introduce additional linking sounds in between a consonant and a vowel (at the end of one word and at the beginning of the other).I think linking is just natural thing to do, but yet again, it might be different with Asian languages. I am sure linking exists there as well, but maybe it's done differently.

I can think of only one example of what you are looking for and I might be wrong anyway.Linking the word 'the' to another word when we speak is like this:If the second word begins with a vowel eg 'apple', we should say, "thee apple".If the second word begins with a consonant eg 'book', we should say, "thu book".Is this the sort of thing you are looking for?We should always say the letter 't' at the end of a word eg don't, about, lot, got. Sometimes people do not pronounce the 'd' and that is incorrect.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Assignment 9

1. MIT Open Courseware
I thought that MIT Open Coursewave is best, because it nearly all courses have, and has the note, the test, the work, the video frequency, you can find all of the resource in this website.

2. Academic Earth
Although this website does not look like MIT Open Coursewave have many courses, but is actually in each university's featured, and this website is more convenience.

3. OpenCourseWare Consortium
It is very convenience to find Open Coursewave around the world.

4. TED
I think this is also a good website, because it not only for academic purpose but also provide encourage, even you can listen to the funny lecture to relaxes.

5. Top 100 Speeches
It is very convenience to find the top 100 important 20st century speeches in American.

6. 台大演講網
This website is more practical to us, because it is Chinese, but it only provide the video frequency.